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Child cuddling mother after using gentle sleep strategies

Are you an exhausted parent of a breastfeeding toddler, struggling to find the balance between maintaining the closeness breastfeeding provides and the need for more rest, or even just a few moments to yourself?


​I specialise in supporting parents who love the connection breastfeeding creates but feel overwhelmed by the frequent night wakings and constant feeding requests. Through gentle sleep coaching, parents move from feeling toughed out and drained into a more balanced breastfeeding journey, where they enjoy breastfeeding their toddler and feel more confident, equipped with new tools to manage their enthusiastic feeder.​


As a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and Holistic Sleep Coach, I offer gentle sleep and parenting strategies that align with your breastfeeding and sleep goals, empowering you to get more rest while maintaining your breastfeeding relationship.​Book a free 15 minute sleep call to discover how I can support you

Toddler restfully sleeping after having sleep consultancy for frequent waking and night feeds

Gentle Sleep Solutions for Breastfeeding Toddlers

"Jenny guided us through to reach our goals…which I honestly thought were unrealistic - things have dramatically improved for us as a family." Tori C

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Sleep Coaching

Feeling touched out? Are you an exhausted parent of a breastfeeding toddler, needing more rest, or even just a few moments to yourself?

I specialise in offering intensive support for parents who love the connection breastfeeding creates, but feel overwhelmed by frequent night wakings or simply want the freedom of having someone else put their little one to bed. Through gentle sleep strategies and daily coaching, I help you move from feeling drained to enjoying a more balanced breastfeeding

journey, with greater confidence and new parenting tools.

As a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and level 6 Holistic Sleep Coach I offer gentle sleep and parenting strategies that align with your breastfeeding and sleep goals, empowering you to get more rest while maintaining your breastfeeding relationship. Learn more about me here or read my sleep blogs.  

Jenny Bower - Lactation Consultant & Holistic Sleep Coach

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Book a free 15 minute consultation to learn more about how I can help you get more sleep! 

My Gentle Sleep Philosophy: 

Responsive parenting using gentle sleep stratigies

Gentle Sleep Strategies

 All sleep interventions prioritise your child's attachment and maintain your connection to your child through responsive parenting.

Learning through play


Children understand the world through play, so expect to do lots of teddy bears bedtimes!  

Mother breastfeeding her toddler, responsive breastfeeding

Holistic Support

With combined expertise as a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and a sleep coach, I provide a holistic approach that considers every aspect of your child's well-being.

Toddler breastfeeding, natural term breastfeeding, extended breastfeeding

Understanding Your Goals

I work closely with you to understand your unique goals, incorporating your feeding goals within your sleep plan. 

Gentle sleep stratigies


 You will receive a personalised sleep plan that aligns with your parenting style and your child's developmental stage.

Parent receiving WhatsApp support

Ongoing Support

Intensive WhatsApp support, receive advice on how to manage sleep situations as they evolve throughout the day.

"It feels like Jenny is really invested in and cares about your unique journey and experience, which was exactly what I was after... Jenny then went above and beyond with the most amazing support over WhatsApp"  Rebecca

Sleep Packages

Child sleep consultancy

2 Week Sleep Support

Experience two weeks of personalised sleep coaching to help your child achieve better sleep patterns.

Key Features:

  • Initial consultation to create a sleep plan tailored to your child's needs.

  • 2 weeks of WhatsApp support.

  • Review progress and refine the plan with 2 follow up calls

From £250. Learn more. 

Sleep consultant

6 Month Sleep Support

This six-month sleep support package is ideally suited for younger babies, who often experience rapidly changing sleep needs, and more sensitive children who benefit from a gentler, slower approach. 

Key Features:

  • 4 consultations progress your child's sleep plan as they develop.

  • Email support between consultations.

From £350. Learn more. 

Sleep Consultant

4 Weeks Sleep Support

Ideal for children with more complex sleep issues, this package allowing for slow and gentle change.

Key Features:

  • Initial consultation to create a sleep plan tailored to your child's needs.

  • 4 weeks of WhatsApp support.

  • Review progress and refine the plan with 4 follow up calls

From £350. Learn more. 

Night waking

1 hour Focused Appointment

A concise yet comprehensive appointment to address specific sleep challenges. 

Key Features:

  • Sleep consultation to understand your little ones sleep difficulties

  • Receive a tailored sleep plan

From £90. Learn more. 

Book a free 15 minute consultation to learn how I can help you move towards your sleep goals.

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"Jenny’s holistic approach was both empowering and comforting....Our little boy went from waking 8+ times a night to doing 4-6 hour stretches—all in 28 days, without ignoring cries or giving up breastfeeding."

Di A

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